Outbound Strategy Cheatsheet

Outbound Strategy Cheatsheet

Outbound Strategy Cheatsheet

Outbound Strategy Cheatsheet

So many companies get outbound wrong. They set too ambitious goals and try to make up for it by hiring SDRs. They over-hire AEs before ensuring a stable lead supply. They ask junior SDRs to set up an outbound process from scratch and are surprised it doesn’t work. They “try out” outbound for 6 months with sales cycles of 9 months and give up on it.

Here is the ultimate Cheatsheet to ensure you are not making the same mistakes everybody else does.

So, here it is, the B2B Outbound Strategy cheatsheet covering…

🎯 Decision guide to start/continue outbound vs. other channels
🏰 Creating your channel portfolio, given ACVs and company goals
💎 How do define guardrails and goals for each channel
💥 How to balance lead generation and headcount for max efficiency

Access the HD version to download here.

Further readings:


Moving upmarket
How to go outbound for the first time
Adapting to the Changing Sales Landscape
How to pick the right GTM Motion to reach 100m ARR


Outbound Sales using AI
The Outbound Cheatsheet of Cheatsheets (I really love this one!)

People to Follow:

Roman (aka me) from pyne
Kevin from Lemlist
Toni from Growblocks

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